Saturday, May 03, 2008


jennifer shouts as she takes off, flip-flops and all, across the playground...
moments earlier she was swinging on the swing set with her best friend, banana.
you know, on her stomach in the swing and everything.
camera and cell phone raised to "charge" in one hand, holding the top of her pants (that are recently too big for her) in the other, she tears across the grassy hill toward the big toy.
it's dark.
there's no one around.
the grass is a little wet, but who cares. they've got too much energy.
banana shouts from behind "wait! i wanna race you!"
jennifer stops and turns just as banana catches up and passes without even a hesitation.
they're off!
snapping pictures right and left...
chatting it up through the yellow microphone thing about nothing in particular.
then it's to the twisty slide! more pictures
now it's the rings...
see how long you can hold yourself up...
jennifer manages to flip herself upside down long enough for a picture.
next is the baby swings...
as they wander over they reminisce about past experiences...
getting their butts stuck in the seat...
slamming face-first into the ground while their feet are still caught in the leg holes...
good times.
then it's to the fence.
who knew a fence could be so much fun?
banana climbs over and leaps off the other side, full-super-star formation
caught in action by jennifer
wet footprints on the sidewalk
strike a pose!
jennifer tries to climb over a particularly tall section of the fence...
she tries to balance, laying across the top...
falls off the other side...
caught on camera by banana

"crap! i'm wired!"
"must be that shot of seven+..."
*both laughing*

*sigh* time for a movie...
all-in-all, a fun night at the park...
definitely gotta do that again...


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