Tuesday, April 01, 2008


it's a killer.
and it makes you fat.
trust me, i have first-hand experience!
i've recently been looking at some old family pictures because we are having a family reunion this coming August and will most likely be taking family pictures again so they're more recent. i mean, after all...
my oldest sister has lost weight (go her!!) and now has 4 kids, instead of 3
my second oldest sister looks fantastic and also has 4 kids now
the sister right above me has way short hair now
i've got darker hair and i've gotten fatter, and
my not-so-little brother is way tall...
not to mention my parents! we're all so different now!
that got me thinking...
if we're gunna be taking pictures and if my whole extended family is coming to town...
i kinda wanna not be the fat cow in all the pictures...
"look! i got my pictures developed from the reunion!"
"really? cool! let's see... wow, who's that?"
"oh, that's my cousin/niece/sister/daughter kiley... she's got a sweet spirit..."
AHH!! i can only imagine.
the procrastination has got to stop. i cant put it off a day longer. i'm GOING to lose weight and get back down to what i was before by my family starts showing up for the reunion.
i'm determined.
as of today i have 127 days, not counting today, to work it all off.
that's 4 months and 6 days.
i start today.
why the middle of the week you ask?
well, if i say "ok, Monday i start my diet/workout/whatever" Monday will come and go and i'll still be putting it off for one reason or another. i know myself too well...

i'm currently sitting on a workout ball working on my core muscles... in a bit i'll be doing laundry and standing on a Board Rock (pictured) while i fold towels and pillow cases (it's essentially a balance exercise that works on my calves and makes my ankles stronger... added bonus: i'll be able to skate this summer and not fall off and die) it's fun cuz i've taught myself to walk with it... :) it's entertaining...
the goal: -40 lbs. by August 6th
i'll be sure and update and let y'all know how i'm doin...


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